Social Connections

The goal is to have the client develop positive relationships with others and understanding of all the social dynamics that address “grey areas” and the hidden social rules.  Knowing who to trust understanding the different levels of friendships, body language, and non-verbal communication are just some of the key elements that are explored in detail.  I work with my clients in a private environment to start off with to reduce social anxiety as much as possible. The client gets to practice social skills without any judgement from others, and then once comfort is built, along with adequate time has occurred for preloading and skill building has transpired then we can move into social interactions. I work with the client on a structured phase model in which we practice the skills privately and then move the skills to the public environment. I get out in the community with my clients to make social public observations, and then practice the skills alongside them.  I work with my clients through a variety of methods such role playing, discussing case scenarios and strategies to handle social situations. The goal for the client is to reduce social anxiety and to build their self-esteem to able to make meaningful connections with others.

  • Social development

  • Develop long-lasting social relationships

  • How to connect with peers at College/University 

  • Understanding hidden social rules and social smarts 

  • Find others with similar interests in your community through a variety of methods